Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Picnic in the Valee Toovai

We joined a local couple, Tiaiki and Marie, for a picnic on the farm.  We have a wonderful outing to the Toovai Valley where Tiaiki's sister keeps a dude ranch.  We take a picnic lunch of cheese wrapped in plastic, lunch meat wrapped in plastic and tortillas wrapped in plastic.  Marie takes a picnic lunch of pre cooked steak in a metal pan, baguettes from the market and some sort of casserole served on ceramic plates with metal forks.  Here is quite a contrast of processed and plastic wrapped vs. home cooked and natural.

Our host and hostess for the day.

Gregg and Marie with highland woods in background.

Call this the long view.

The homestead where Taiaki was raised.

Taiaki's sister was saddling up the mounts for a small party of riders.