Saturday, September 13, 2014

Trekking the Andes

Calling it trekking probably sounds grander and more challenging than it is but we are walking through the mountains near the town of Celendin in N Peru.  Here is how part of the trail looks.

We are sitting on a hillside above Celendin looking over very dry alpine mountainsides.  The land is overgrazed and over cultivated with thin rocky soil.  Cattle and sheep graze but no llamas.  Two men plow the hillside with two oxen yoked to an antique iron-tipped wooden plow.  The oxen, Deb and I wait for the farmers to return from lunch.  A calf roams free, describing a wide orbit around the oxen.  Two cattle egrets orbit the calf.  Dogs bark in the distance, clouds gather – an empty promise of rain.  The oxen are in yoke with no food or water.  Most of the mountainside is not cultivated, but we see a few plots of corn.  Some trees including eucalyptus, and something like Cyprus decorate the hills.  Smaller brush, including two kinds of aloe abound, but the overwhelming majority of the flora is short dry grass marked by braided trails of grazing animals. 

When the men resume their plowing, they graciously invite Deb to take photos, even posing.  The older man shows a badly injured foot, bandaged and bleeding that still does not keep him from his work.

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