Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Coomera is between Surfer's Paradise and Brisbane in the middle of Australia's E. coast.

While in dry dock in Coomera, Kalliope’s fading green paint is renewed by a team of professionals.  This is a big deal requiring moving her to a big paint shed to prevent the paint from contaminating other boats.  To go in the paint shed, the mast must be removed and while the mast is off, why not replace the wires that hold it up?  Done!  Did I mention that we must bring in a boom truck to lift the mast?  

With mast and hull painted, almost the last task is to apply anti-foul paint to the bottom.  We look for anti-fowl paint for the topside but haven’t found any so birds and their droppings continue to be a problem.  Three sisters from Mountain View taught me not to worry about matching socks, so why worry about matching gloves?

The last task is to lift and carry Kalliope to the water with another truck called a Travel Lift, capacity 70 tons.

When Deb is happy with the results we go explore the Islands of Moreton Bay.

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